Thursday, January 19, 2012

ye olde university mailbox

Kate's post about vintage mailboxes got me into looking for an old photo I took of the post office mailbox in the university.  When I couldn't find it, I decided to just go out and take photos.  I also sent a postcard to a friend. :) 

The mailbox is positioned at a corner outside the post office.

Notice that it says "P.I. MAIL"--I'm taking a wild yet slightly educated guess that this mailbox dates back to the American era, when the Philippines was referred to as "Philippine Islands."  What are your thoughts on this? 

 Good camouflage!

"Vicente Zamora Manufacturing. Made in the Philippines." Interesting seal!

Other vintage stuff in the post office.  Probably this fan!

And this hinge.
There's a faint "PHILIPPINES" stuck on the mailbox.  Probably stickers before.

The post office hasn't changed one bit since high school (and probably since way before), even if the rest of the university's having a facelift of some sort.  Perhaps this is because the post office is technically under the Philippine Postal Corporation, and maybe they couldn't really upgrade their post offices as much as they'd like. 

Nowadays, there's a small box inside the post office where you can drop your mail for sending, and I don't see the big mailbox being used as much as before.  Or I just don't see people sending stuff (bank and insurance stuff not included) through snail mail anymore (with the exception of fellow Postcrossers and some of my friends).  Sigh.

Hairy Harry and I <3 snail mail so much.

Thanks, Kate, for the inspiration for this post! :)


Kate said...

I LOVE it!!! Thanks for sharing :) As far as I know these mailboxes are pretty old. I'm looking for more info online. Let me know if you have other leads. LOL :D

Kayni said...

wow...these mailboxes are quite old. they really should keep those well maintained, possibly for museum purposes in the future. hi hairy harry!